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How can you boost brand awareness on Social Media


You might have heard the importance of social media a gazillion of times and you're probably wondering how has it not gone obsolete yet?

But the truth is, social media is more powerful and needed than ever.

As an individual, we spend hours everyday running our fingers through the screen, sharing, laughing, taking in the information, and so much more.

From just an entertainment house to a platform with powerful voices, brands, and advertisement, the online world has just shown us the tip of the iceberg. This is one of the reasons why we have brands rushing to every channel, putting their name out, posting, and hoping those followers count rises like Kardashian's bank balance.

But alas, the modern social landscape is not a piece of cake, and you have to tread, plan, and wait for years to have a robust following like those of Starbucks, Wendy's, or even your local food joint.

As a brand, you have to develop an intriguing personality and interesting feed coupled with a strong strategy to even see some numbers. Otherwise, being just another face in the crowd is not what any of us plans to be.

Infact, brand awareness represents social marketers’ top priority right now.

According to Smart Insight, 70% of marketers say that their main goal for using social media is to increase brand awareness, showing that social is about more than sales.

Let's have a look at some of the ways your brand can make a name and earn the fame it has always dreamt of, in the vast world of social media.

Personality, Feed, and Engagement

That's a vast way to start a point but they all blend when you're trying to create a spot for yourself.

Let's start with personality and how do you know if you're overdoing it?

Have you ever met someone that just stayed in your mind for a while even though all you did was say "hello"? Relatable?

That's what we want with the brand page. Most of the potential consumers and social media users scroll past the post without even giving it a second look or a chance to prove itself.

Instant attention is what we are aiming at. For example, if you're planning a Valentine’s Day post with the very common notion of using hearts and symbols of love, it won't work out.

But have a look at what penguin publishers did to wish their readers a Happy Valentine's Day!

 This addresses the difference between a good and a general social strategy. And the numbers will then speak for themselves.

The general idea is to stand out, to be unique and have a flaring personality. You're thinking, this isn't something new. And, Of course, it's not.

The idea of being unique has been implemented since centuries but this time the competition and the audience is much bigger and particular than ever. 

When was the last time you followed a brand on social media because they post pictures of their products or services only?

The grind on social media is real, and most brands fall into the robotic cycle; post, use a few relevant hashtags, add a link, and call it a day.

But what's captivating and engaging for an audience are posts like this:

This does not mean a brand should not post about their goods and services, but to find a fine balance between them is necessary to build an engaging feed.

Talking about feed, make sure you decide a theme for your feed and stick to it so that it merges with the idea of your brand. You shouldn't restrict yourself to a certain guideline, but experiment to show what you can do with your decided theme, and splash creativity all across the feed.

Have a look at Tiffany & Co.'s Instagram drool-worthy turquoise themed timeline:


Another very important aspect of having an identity of social media is the tagline. Having a tagline for business gives an idea about what you are as a brand. A catchy tagline becomes the recognition element of the brand. For example: The very famous phrase “Just do it” cannot be used without thinking about Nike. That’s how powerful your tagline should be!

Talk to others

It's not "social" until you engage and build a reputation with others. Brand chit-chat on Twitter is a real thing and you should dive on the bandwagon as soon as you place your social media strategy.

Start with Tagging (@ mentions) to amplify your content and turn heads at the same time. When you tag a fellow brand or a customer, they receive this notification in real-time, which makes it more likely that the engagement would be successful. 

According to an article by Forbes, “The reality is, social media should be the pulse of your company. It’s the thing that keeps your brand human and lets today’s consumer know that you’re still alive, especially if you’re vying for the attention of millennials or Gen Z.” Don’t let the pulse of your company die down simply because social media is too vast.

You can give a shout out or simply initiate a conversation to get the likes and comments going. Brands engaging with one another is a sight that grips everyone's attention and if you're ready, go in for some face-off with a fellow brand.


Another way to build engagement is to comment. Of course, the comments should go beyond "nice" and "cool". You should move past the generic terms to actually show some interest while putting out a comment. With creative commenting, you attract more people to come and check out your deal.

Hashtags, Hashtags, and Hashtags

There is a reason why everyone populates their social media with hashtags; it's because they trend!

You may have seen many #challenge hashtags going viral on Instagram and Twitter. Hashtags for issues, for news, for the good, and the bad.

This is why we need to know how to use those hashtags and employ them in our posts most efficiently and effectively.

Hashtags help to get your posts noticed in the sea of swarming posts and videos. It places your posts in a niche and then makes it searchable for dedicated communities and potential fans.

You can also create a brand hashtag to build your own identity and use it to make a space which is addressed to your brand only. 

Make it Fit

Just like one size doesn't fit all, the same type of content might not work everywhere. LinkedIn is a professional platform where people discuss industry related news and articles and present their own opinion. Whereas Instagram is all about eye-catchy pictures and captivating videos that don't allow you to scroll past them. On the other hand, Twitter is more of a real-time interaction rather than scheduled posts.

Decide and divide the posts across different platforms and repurpose them to suit the essence of each channel.

Here's a quick cheat-sheet to know what works best and where:

 Consistency is the key

10 posts on one day and then nothing for a week is not how you want to plan your social media strategy. Every channel adopts an algorithm to decide the visibility of your posts. Consistent posting ensures that you will end in front of your audience's eyes and from there on, build a good follower list.

Plan your calendar in such a way that you have your posts spread out through the week. It is recommended to have the planned calendar a month in advance so you can focus your energy on impromptu posts and observances.

Have a look at Oreo's post when the electricity went off during SuperBowl in 2013. It became the biggest and the single most talked and buzz-worthy post. 

Social Media is all about gradual progress and building each other. If you see something isn't working out, change it, improvise, and when you find the right connection, glorify it and make use of it.
It's all about hitting the right chords. 


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